VizKit  3.3.7
Classes | Namespaces | Defines
VisualCustomization.h File Reference


class  VizKit::VisualCustomization
 Collection of individual customizable functions. More...


namespace  VizKit


#define PluginIdentifierName   "VizKit"
 Customization values for individual visualizer plug-in development.
#define ShowName   "VizKit"
 The name of the visualizer as shown in menu of iTunes.
#define HasConfigurationWindow   1
 The identifier of the visualizer plug-in (as used on Mac OS X for preferences identification and as CFBundleIdentifier).
#define MajorReleaseNumber   3
 The major release number of the visualizer (version number).
#define MinorReleaseNumber   3
 The minor release number of the visualizer (version number).
#define ReleaseRevisionNumber   7
 The revision number of the visualizer (version number).
#define CurrentVersionInformationURL   ""
 The URL of the current version information for this visualizer.
#define AdditionalDispatchedNotificationKeys
 Additional keys for notifications.
#define AdditionalDispatchedNotificationCasesCode
 Code block with case switches for the added notification keys.
#define AdditionalDispatchedNotificationToStringCasesCode
 Code block with case switches for the added notification keys.
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyIntKeys
 Additional keys for preferences.
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyFloatKeys
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyCharKeys
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyBoolKeys
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyIntToKeyCasesCode
 Code block with case switches for the added preference keys.
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyFloatToKeyCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyCharToKeyCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyBoolToKeyCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyIntToStringCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyFloatToStringCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyCharToStringCasesCode
#define AdditionalPreferenceKeyBoolToStringCasesCode

Define Documentation

Code block with case switches for the added notification keys.

The code block is inserted in the switch case in VisualMainAction::renderAction()

Additional keys for notifications.

The keys are added to the enum VisualNotificationKey in VisualNotificationKey.h The notifications are dispatched and sent to each actor.

Code block with case switches for the added notification keys.

The code block is inserted in the switch case in VisualNotification::convertNotificationKeyToString()

Additional keys for preferences.

The keys are added to the enums in VisualPreferences.h

Code block with case switches for the added preference keys.

The code blocks are added to the convert methods (string to key and key to string)

#define CurrentVersionInformationURL   ""

The URL of the current version information for this visualizer.

If set to an empty string, no check for update information is performed.

The remote text information contains three items, separated by "|": 1) The current version number (major.minor.revision), set each component of the version (including 0). Zero values at the end of the version are dropped when presenting the current version to the user. 2) Info URL (web page with general information about the visualizer or specific information about the advertized version) 3) Download URL (URL pointing to download file of current visualizer) This information is used to prompt the user with update information in case an older version is running. The feature is turned on/off by preference VisualPreferences::kCheckForUpdate.

#define HasConfigurationWindow   1

The identifier of the visualizer plug-in (as used on Mac OS X for preferences identification and as CFBundleIdentifier).

Preferences can be stored with the Options Dialog. The values are stored in preferences text file. The preferences file is located at application data (Windows); and on Mac OS X the preferences are stored in Preferences folder inside Library folder in user's home directory. The domain identifier specifies the name of the plist file on Mac OS X. On Windows the domain identifier specifies the name of the folder inside the application data directory. Visualizer plug-ins can display a configuration window. Set this define to 1 if the visualizer displays a configuration window. Set this define to 0 if the visualizer does not display a configuration window.

#define MajorReleaseNumber   3

The major release number of the visualizer (version number).

Range: 0 - 99. For instance 1.2.5 means: major release number 1, minor release number 2, revision number 5.

#define MinorReleaseNumber   3

The minor release number of the visualizer (version number).

Range: 0 - 9. For instance 1.2.5 means: major release number 1, minor release number 2, revision number 5.

#define PluginIdentifierName   "VizKit"

Customization values for individual visualizer plug-in development.

#define ReleaseRevisionNumber   7

The revision number of the visualizer (version number).

Range: 0 - 255. For instance 1.2.5 means: major release number 1, minor release number 2, revision number 5.

#define ShowName   "VizKit"

The name of the visualizer as shown in menu of iTunes.

The name is set here with an UFT-8 encoded string. UTF-8 characters are set with escaped hex value. Note that iTunes (especially on Windows) is not able to display all Unicode letters in the Menu.

Generated on Sun May 3 2015 20:26:31 for VizKit by doxygen 1.8.0