VizKit  3.3.7
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
VizKit::VisualCamera Class Reference

A VisualCamera. More...

#include <VisualCamera.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VisualCamera ()
 Constructor of VisualCamera.
 ~VisualCamera ()
 The destructor.
 VisualCamera (const VisualCamera &other)
 Copy constructor.
VisualCameraoperator= (const VisualCamera &other)
 Assignment operator.
void setOrthographicProjection ()
 Sets up an orthographic projection matrix of GL.
void setPerspectiveProjection (double nearClippingPlanePos=1.0)
 Sets up the perspective projection matrix of GL.
void lookAt (Point3D eye, Point3D center, Vector up)
 Performs a viewing transformation.
void activate (void)
 Activates the camera with its current settings.
double getMaxTopCoord (void) const
 Returns the maximum top position.
double getMaxLeftCoord (void) const
 Returns the maximum left position.
double getMaxBottomCoord (void) const
 Returns the maximum bottom position.
double getMaxRightCoord (void) const
 Returns the maximum right position.
double getMaxNearPos (void) const
 Returns the maximum near position.
double getMaxFarPos (void) const
 Returns the maximum far position.
CoordSize3D getSize (void) const
 Returns the 3D dimensions of the camera view.
double getCoordHeight (void) const
 Returns the height of the camera view.
double getCoordWidth (void) const
 Returns the width of the camera view.
double getDepth (void) const
 Returns the depth of the camera view.

Static Public Member Functions

static VisualCameracreateDefaultCamera (void)
 Static function which creates a camera with default orientation (orthographic projection).

Private Member Functions

void copy (const VisualCamera &other)
 Copy method for assignment operator and copy constructor.

Private Attributes

double maxTopCoord
 The maximum top position.
double maxLeftCoord
 The maximum left position.
double maxBottomCoord
 The maximum bottom position.
double maxRightCoord
 The maximum right position.
double maxNearPos
 The maximum near position.
double maxFarPos
 The maximum far position.
double zoomFactor
 The zoom factor.
ProjectionMode projectionMode
 The mode of projection.

Detailed Description

A VisualCamera.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructor of VisualCamera.

The destructor.

Copy constructor.

otherReference to another VisualCamera.

Member Function Documentation

void VisualCamera::activate ( void  )

Activates the camera with its current settings.

The camera sets up the remembered projection mode.
void VisualCamera::copy ( const VisualCamera other) [private]

Copy method for assignment operator and copy constructor.

otherAnother VisualCamera.

Static function which creates a camera with default orientation (orthographic projection).

A camera with default orientation (orthographic projection).
Caller has to delete the camera instance by calling delete.
double VisualCamera::getCoordHeight ( void  ) const

Returns the height of the camera view.

The height of the camera view.
double VisualCamera::getCoordWidth ( void  ) const

Returns the width of the camera view.

The width of the camera view.
double VisualCamera::getDepth ( void  ) const

Returns the depth of the camera view.

The depth of the camera view.
double VisualCamera::getMaxBottomCoord ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum bottom position.

The maximum bottom position.
double VisualCamera::getMaxFarPos ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum far position.

The maximum far position.
double VisualCamera::getMaxLeftCoord ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum left position.

The maximum left position.
double VisualCamera::getMaxNearPos ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum near position.

The maximum near position.
double VisualCamera::getMaxRightCoord ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum right position.

The maximum right position.
double VisualCamera::getMaxTopCoord ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum top position.

The maximum top position.

Returns the 3D dimensions of the camera view.

The 3D dimensions of the camera view.
void VisualCamera::lookAt ( Point3D  eye,
Point3D  center,
Vector  up 

Performs a viewing transformation.

eyeThe position of the eye point.
centerThe position of the reference point.
upthe direction of the up vector.
VisualCamera & VisualCamera::operator= ( const VisualCamera other)

Assignment operator.

otherReference to another VisualCamera.

Sets up an orthographic projection matrix of GL.

void VisualCamera::setPerspectiveProjection ( double  nearClippingPlanePos = 1.0)

Sets up the perspective projection matrix of GL.

nearClippingPlanePosThe maximum near position. With the maxNearCoord the position of the near clipping plane of the viewing volume is set. By setting maxNearCoord the perspective projection (the shape of the viewing volume) can be adjusted. The value of maxNearCoord must be positive.
Default value for maxNearCoord is 1.0. Default value for zoomFactor is 1.0.

Member Data Documentation

The maximum bottom position.

The maximum far position.

The maximum left position.

The maximum near position.

The maximum right position.

The maximum top position.

The mode of projection.

The zoom factor.

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